Spielbetrieb: 20.08.2023




Hello and good day Airhawks,

This past weekend, August 20th, a few of us went to Eninger Weide to throw down against some of the local talent there. Under the blazing sun we did our best, and came back with more colour than when we left. Sunscreen was vital.

In the male divisions, we fought hard but were beat out by those with homefield advantage, Don't worry lads, there's always next time.

To the one lady in our club that took part. We give a round of applause.

She finished third and now has another she trophy to brag to me about.

Congratulations Gabriele Ilg. For a podium finish!

Special mentions!
• Max Lorenz, claimed the second round CTP for himself.
• Henning von Bandemer and Robin Griesheimer for placing forth in their respective fields. The heat won't get you next time.

All the best and keep being awesome Airhawks,
Justin Mullins

Autor: Alf